Crossware Mail Signature for AS400/iSeries Installation (Version 1.4 10/11/2006) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE:- The Mail Signature Application Requires The International Components for Unicode (ICU), option 39, to be installed on the server 1. On the AS/400 console run the following commands: CRTLIB XWARE (Skip this step if the library's already there. e.g Upgrading) Delete the existing SAVF File if upgrading DLTF FILE(XWARE/MAILSIG) CRTSAVF XWARE/MAILSIG 2. Open a command prompt on the PC where you extracted the installation files and change the directory to the installation directory 3. Type FTP and press enter. (Replace those x's with the address of your AS/400.) 4. Enter your AS/400 user name and password 5. Change the mode to binary ftp> binary 6. Change directory to the XWARE library ftp> cd XWARE 7. Unzip the and copy the SAVF file to your AS/400 ftp> put mailsig.savf mailsig 8. Go back to your AS/400 and run the following commands: RSTOBJ OBJ(*ALL) SAVLIB(XWARE) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(XWARE/MAILSIG) MBROPT(*ALL) ALWOBJDIF(*ALL) 9. Create the links to the programs (Only required on a first installation). ADDLNK OBJ('/QSYS.LIB/XWARE.LIB/libsig.srvpgm') NEWLNK('/Qibm/UserData/Lotus/Notes/libsig.srvpgm') LNKTYPE(*SYMBOLIC) ADDLNK OBJ('/QSYS.LIB/XWARE.LIB/ESIG.PGM') NEWLNK('/Qibm/UserData/Lotus/Notes/esig.pgm') LNKTYPE(*SYMBOLIC) 10. If you installed the server hooks you must restart your server for the changes to take affect. 10a . Confirm that the Crossware Mail Signature application has been loaded. The following lines should appear after the server is restarted Mail Signature: Crossware Mail Signature Extention Manager Version Mail Signature: Signature Licence Details Mail Signature: Licence type :Unlimited Mail Signature: For Certifier:CROSSWARE